Safety protocols to follow while hiring a barge in Hawkesbury

Max Wilson
3 min readMay 5, 2022


The nation’s economy relies heavily on barges. They move vital cargo from seaports to inland locations and vice versa. Aside from the fact that it is related to transportation, it is a fantastic thing to do. It does, however, come with several drawbacks.

Navigating the barge through twists and turns while passing through narrow channels can be a difficult scenario. Therefore, when you opt for barge hire Hawkesbury, make sure it is well equipped with mandatory safety measures and experienced helpers. Barge workers must be exceedingly vigilant, as a typical day on the water is packed with potential hazards. A barge worker can go into difficulties at any time, from cargo incidents to equipment failures and collisions, ending in a major health injury.

So, for everyone involved in barge hire Hawkesbury, here are some prevention recommendations. They can use these preventive recommendations while sailing the barge to keep the barge personnel safe in the event of a catastrophic accident.

Continue reading to learn more about them.

Tripping or slipping is a common occurrence in the workplace.

The most common job accidents on a barge are slips, falls, and trips. Most barge employees die or suffer significant injuries as a result of this. If the stepping and operating surfaces are kept clean, these types of incidents can be avoided easily. The barge’s high-traffic areas must be cleaned off regularly, and no liquid, not even a solitary drop, should be present. They should also make every effort to maintain the surfaces clear. They should keep their gear and other belongings stowed and ensure that the deck is well-lit. They can have a safer transit trip if they are cautious.

Using equipment incorrectly

Barge equipment that is not adequately maintained is the second largest cause of barge accidents. Barge accidents can occur if the equipment is used incorrectly. Engineers and personnel must double-check equipment and ensure that all machines are in working order before boarding a barge. Equipment maintenance is the responsibility of the employers. They must also guarantee that the supervisors of individual machines have received adequate training and are capable of dealing with any disasters. When operating around hoists, cranes, and winches, barge hire Hawkesbury employees must be particularly cautious.

Explosions and fires

Every year, fires and explosions hurt and kill a considerable number of barge workers. It is possible to save their lives by correctly stocking the fuel tank, following safety measures when filling compressed gas tanks, and being cautious while drilling, grinding, welding, and cutting. They should also check that personal protective equipment and fire extinguishers are in good working order.

Final words

If you are planning to opt for barge hire Hawkesbury, the above-mentioned protocols must be followed to safeguard yourself along with the crew members. Transportation labor is a tremendously important task to complete, as long as the person can do so without jeopardizing their lives. Additionally, it is necessary to follow COVID-19 safety protocols. Sanitizing the surfaces frequently, washing hands frequently, and maintaining social distancing are some of the norms to follow.

Originally published at on May 5, 2022.

